Muslim Student Receives Valentine's Card

Muslim Student Receives Valentine's Card


HOUSTON - Things took a turn for the worst for fifth grader Khalid Razak when he had a valentine's card stuck on his locker. Khalid's parents were reported to be extremely upset by this action.

"I can't believe our young boy received a Valentine's card," said Khalid's father, "These cards all promote sex. Astagfirullah"

Khalid's mother agreed. "We sent him to this school to avoid things like this but unfortunately people love this stupid holiday everywhere. The only thing I like about it is the cinnamon hearts."

The reasoning for the Razaks hate for Valentine's stems from the fact that Mr. Razak had a rough past with non-Muslim holidays. "My co-worker once offered me a cookie that was shaped like a Christmas tree. I told him I don't eat things like this." After hearing this, it was reported that the co-worker threw the cookie at Mr.Razak's face, causing him to receive 3 stitches on the upper lip.

Khalid's Valentine's Card doesn't help. What also doesn't help is that Khalid goes to an all-boys school.

"I got Valentine cards all the time when I was younger but never here. I'm quite disgusted and flattered at the same time." he said.

The card was in unusual taste:


The Razaks are contemplating home-schooling for Khalid to avoid any similar incidents like this in the future.

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Careful With Words

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